Transforming Education for Sustainable Development: Engaging Youth in Universities and Beyond
June 12, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CT, OnlineLed by Won Jung Byun, UNESCO, this webinar will discuss how transformative ESD approaches are being implemented in North America, what best practices look like on the ground-level, and why transformative ESD approaches are imperative to fostering youth leadership that has them thinking as entrepreneurs and acting as global citizens. An event from SDSN USA.
June 12, 1:00 – 2:00 PM CT, OnlineLed by Won Jung Byun, UNESCO, this webinar will discuss how transformative ESD approaches are being implemented in North America, what best practices look like on the ground-level, and why transformative ESD approaches are imperative to fostering youth leadership that has them thinking as entrepreneurs and acting as global citizens. An event from SDSN USA.