Students that want to know more about what PSI does can attend their information session to learn about their project groups, goals, and impacts.
- RSVP Event Link: PSI Information Session | Facebook
- Date & Time: October 3rd, 8-9pm CST
- Location: Stuart 105
PSI will also host a study break for those that would like to join but cannot make the main information session, have lingering questions about their application, project groups, or what they do, as well as those that just want to hang out with PSI members.
- RSVP Event Link: Study Break: PSI Recruitment | Facebook
- Date & Time: October 4th, 7-9pm CST
- Location: Harper 135
The Phoenix Sustainability Initiative (PSI) is a student-led organization at the University of Chicago seeking to improve sustainable practices on campus and in the greater Chicago area.