EPIC’s first career series of spring quarter will be on Wednesday, April 13th. Please see below for more details and share with those who may be interested.

 Title: EPIC Career Series: Pete Rodrigue, U.S. EPA

Date: Wednesday, April 13th

Time:  12:30 PM – 1:30 PM CT

Location: Zoom

Webpage: https://epic.uchicago.edu/events/event/epic-career-series-pete-rodrigue-u-s-epa/

Description: Interested in energy, the environment and climate change but not sure how to make a career out of it? There are a wide array of exciting career pathways to choose from across these topics for young people with various skill sets and passions. To provide UChicago students of all levels and schools with insight into the range of opportunities and what’s it’s like to work in these positions, EPIC is hosting a virtual career series with young UChicago alumni—starting with EPIC’s own former Bartlett and DRW Fellows. Alumni will share insights into their day-to-day lives, how they got to where they are, and what they wish they knew when they were UChicago students. Join us as we welcome Harris Public Policy ’20 graduate Pete Rodrigue, Environmental Policy Analyst at the U.S. EPA.

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