The Midwest Climate Action Science Center (CASC) will host its monthly science seminar this Monday and will feature the upcoming call for USGS CASC proposals. The USGS CASC reviews proposals from CASC members (collaborative opportunities with other institutions may exist beyond the consortium members listed below):
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities (Host)
- College of Menominee Nation
- Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission
- Indiana University
- Michigan State University
- The Nature Conservancy
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Minnesota Duluth
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
From Jessica Hellman, University Director of the Midwest CASC:
“We expect spring will bring a new opportunity for PIs and their teams to submit proposals to the USGS, to pursue projects aligned with the mission of the CASC and its science priorities. We don’t yet know precisely when the call will arrive, but it’s time to start brainstorming projects, forming teams, and aligning with mission. (Remember that to apply, PIs must be part of a Consortium member organization or the USGS; co-PIs can include other folks.)
This month’s seminar will feature currently funded teams who will talk about:
What makes a successful CASC project proposal?
How does one justify the need for a project?
How do successful projects exemplify sustained engagement between scientists and external stakeholders?
What relationships and experience were built to develop successful projects?
What lessons have projects learned about science needed to inform decisions?
Further, the MW CASC Consortium seeks to identify, support and promote projects that cross institutions within the Consortium, have a foundation of partnership with resource managers and conservation practitioners, and address decision-relevant science needs. Thus, we’ll also talk a bit about how the Consortium can help prospective PIs find collaborators and form research teams.
Note that this meeting will *not* be a description of the Call for Proposals — that will be covered at a later date. Instead, this gathering is about gearing up and strategizing for proposal formulation.”
Meeting Details:
- Date & Time: March 28, 2022; 12-1 pm CT / 1-2 pm ET
- Location: Zoom
- Link:
- Meeting ID: 923 9655 8274
- Passcode: 19U0qo
- One tap mobile
+13017158592,,92396558274# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,92396558274# US (Chicago)
Established in 2021, the Midwest CASC provides regionally-relevant scientific information, tools, and techniques to resource managers and communities in Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio.