Join EPIC as they host Interior Deputy Secretary Tommy Beaudreau for a conversation on the future of oil and gas drilling on federal lands as the Biden administration transitions to a clean energy economy. EPIC Scholar and Harris Public Policy Professor Ryan Kellogg will join the conversation, which will be led by The Washington Post’s Juliet Eilperin, and moderated by EPIC’s Lindsay Iversen.


Event Description and Details:

The federal oil and gas leasing process plays a critical role in deciding whether, where and when oil and gas resources on public lands are developed, government revenue, and the extent of local environment protections. However, as climate change becomes an increasingly urgent threat, it’s apparent that these lease agreements are both not delivering a fair return for taxpayers and putting the environment and public health at risk. Recognizing this, President Joe Biden temporarily suspended oil and gas lease sales in January for an ongoing review of the program. The Biden administration has also signaled its commitment to clean up abandoned and orphaned oil and gas wells on federal lands, potentially putting displaced oil and gas workers to work cleaning up the wells. This comes against the backdrop of intensified focus on addressing climate change not just within the administration but also in Congress and the broader public debate.

Event Pages:

Relevant Handles (Twitter):

  • EPIC: @UChiEnergy
  • Ryan Kellogg: @RyanMKellogg
  • Juliet Eilperin: @eilperin


“The Future of Oil and Gas on Federal Lands” is part of an EPIC series discussing timely energy and climate policy challenges with government and industry leaders, and other experts. The topics stem from the U.S. Energy & Climate Roadmap, which presents evidence-based recommendations from University of Chicago scholars to inform climate policy in the new administration and Congress. Ryan Kellogg, joined by EPIC Scholar Thomas Covert, authored a chapter titled “Ensuring Americans Receive Fair Value for U.S. Oil and Gas Resources.” Lindsay Iversen was the Roadmap’s editorial director.

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