Chicago Water Week highlights critical water issues and the varied efforts to address them in ecological, industry, utility, research and entrepreneurial communities.
Argonne National Labs is sponsoring three talks focusing on the vital role water plays in Chicago’s environment, communities, and economy. The first talk, “Chain Reaction Innovation (CRI) Water Company Showcase” showcases Argonne’s CRI program in assisting water startups toward commercialization of water technologies. Then, “PFAS Workshop,” will explore state-of-the-art research on PFAS toxicity, detection, separation, and destruction to enable water reuse. The final talk, “Oceanshot Webinar,” will center around the effective utilization of ocean resources and the role of the ocean in climate modulation and decarbonization.
Arts, Science + Culture and Center for the Study of Race, Politics and Culture is holding a fascinating and unusual event written by avery r. young. avery r. young is an interdisciplinary artist, an award-winning teaching artist, and has been an Arts + Public Life Artist-In-Residence at the University of Chicago. This mobile performance, “Lead in da Watah” was written in response to the Flint Michigan Water Crisis. He references back to the African American spiritual “Wade in The Water,” which was created and sung by slaves to convey secret codes to one another as they moved through the Underground Railroad on the road to freedom. Accompanying Young will be musicians from his band, de deacon board (playing three horns and one percussion). This mobile performance intends to highlight the growing local and international crisis of potable water and takes place in conjunction with the city-wide program—Chicago Water Week. The event will take place Thursday, October 14, 2021, 5–6pm CST at four outdoor locations:
- 5pm: Plaza in front of Regenstein Library at 1100 East 57th Street
- 5:25pm: Middle of the Quad between 57th Street and 59th Street
- 5:35pm: End of Quad Plaza on Woodlawn Avenue and 58th Street
- 5:45pm: Plaza outside the Logan Center, 915 East 60th Street
Dates and Further Details on the Argonne Talks:
1. Chain Reaction Innovation (CRI) Water Company Showcase: 10/12, 9:00-10:30 am CDT
- Schedule:
- 9:00-9:05 am Welcome remarks
- 9:05-9:45 am Invited Talks from CRI Companies [The presentations will focus on a brief introduction of each company, the water technology that each company is developing, and how Argonne’s CRI program is helping/has helped with the commercialization.]
- 9:05-9:15 am NUMiX Materials, Katie Kollhoff Mouat, CEO
- 9:15-9:25 am Stemloop, Khalid Alam, CEO
- 9:25-9:35 am GOLeafe, Arsheen Allam, CEO
- 9:35-9:45 am Kazadi Enterprises, Sanza Kazadi, President
- 9:45-10:30 pm Panel Discussion
- All speakers. The panel discussion will highlight more on the CRI program and the role of CRI in facilitating water technology translation.
2. PFAS Workshop: 10/14, 8:30am-12:30pm CDT
- Schedule:
- 8:30-8:35 am Welcome remarks
- 8:35-9:35 am Keynote Talks (25-min talk plus 5-min Q&A)
- Linda Birnbaum (NIEHS) – PFAS toxicity
- Susan Burden (USEPA) – PFAS and drinking and source water testing, treatment, and reuse
- 9:35-10:35 am Invited Talks (12-min talk plus 3-min Q&A)
- 9:35-9:50 am PFAS toxicity, Eugene Yan (Argonne)
- 9:50-10:05 am PFAS toxicity, Chris Lau (USEPA)
- 10:05-10:20 am PFAS detection, Junhong Chen (Argonne/UChicago)
- 10:20-10:35 am PFAS detection, Marc A. Mills (USEPA)
- 10:35-10:50 am UCMR5 and the MCLs, Kimberly Harris (EPA Region 5)
- 10:50-11:05 am PFAS separation, Ed Barry (Argonne)
- 11:05-11:20 am PFAS separation, Brian Chaplin (UIC)
- 11:20-11:35 am PFAS destruction, Santanu Chaudhuri (Argonne/UIC)
- 11:35-11:50 am PFAS destruction, Thomas Speth (USEPA)
- 11:50 am-12:25 pm Panel Discussion on Holistic Solutions to the PFAS Challenge
- Priorities for research and public health policy implementation – what’s important to find out and what should we be doing right now?
- Panelists: Linda Birnbaum (NIEHS), Susan Burden (USEPA), Eugene Yan (Argonne), Brian Chaplin (UIC), Johnsie Lang (Arcadis)
- 12:25-12:30 am Concluding Remark
3. Oceanshot Webinar: 10/15, 1:00-3:00pm CDT
- Schedule:
- 1:00-1:05 pm Welcome remarks
- 1:05-1:30 pm Keynote (no Q&A)
- Michael Rust (NOAA), “Virtual freshwater” and food-water-energy nexus
- 1:30-2:30 pm Invited Talks (no Q&A)
- 1:30-1:45 pm Critical minerals recovery, Meltem Urgun-Demirtas (Argonne)
- 1:45-2:00 pm Ocean energy utilization, William Pringle (Argonne)
- 2:00-2:15 pm Climate modeling, Steven Brus (Argonne)
- 2:15-2:30 pm Decarbonization, Loretta Roberson (MBL)
- 2:30-3:00 pm Panel Discussion on Convergent Ocean-energy-food Nexus
- Michael Rust (NOAA)
- Meltem Urgun-Demirtas (Argonne)
- William Pringle (Argonne)
- Steven Brus (Argonne)
- Loretta Roberson (MBL)