The Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society annually invites University of Chicago faculty to submit proposals for collaborative research projects on complex questions to which the humanities and social sciences can make vital contributions. It encourages the pursuit of those collaborations wherever the questions may lead: often across the boundaries of individual methods and disciplines, and even challenging the nature of those boundaries themselves. Projects may include collaborators in any discipline, art, or science, provided humanistic knowledge and modes of inquiry are central to the project.
The Neubauer Collegium recently announced its 2021-2022 cycle of projects, including:
Climate Games: Transforming Middle School STEM Education Through Transmedia Play
Patrick Jagoda (English and CMS), Kristen Schilt (Sociology), Heidi Coleman (TAPS), Ben Kolak (Truth and Documentary; Independent Filmmaker & Cinematographer), Sandor Weisz (The Mystery League; Puzzle Designer)
This project will create and evaluate an “Alternate Reality Game” that engages seventh-grade students from the University of Chicago Laboratory and Charter Schools in a curriculum about climate change and environmental science. The project aims to develop a model that can scale to the level of Chicago Public Schools in a citywide game.
Read more about the Neubauer Collegium’s 2021-2022 research projects on their website and check out some of their past projects with environmental themes: